Continue Reading S3 -The Lost Lake 2
Posted in abuse bad children community Drug abuse Friendship future Mystery Story Suspense thinking

S3 -The Lost Lake 2

I was running breathlessly towards my home with the packet of the magic powder closely hugging my bosom and money…

Continue Reading College Days
Posted in college community engineering Inspiration Love Poetry Relationship

College Days

This is an old poem I wrote when I was in college, You can even find this on my facebook profile. Updating here. It’s in Hindi. About a friendship between a Boy and a Girl.

Continue Reading Mandir-Masjid 2
Posted in communalism community mandir masjid muslim religion Story temple

Mandir-Masjid 2

Nur Mashal was a Muslim resident of Meerut. He was a true Muslim by disposition and went for Namaz five…

Continue Reading Mandir-Masjid
Posted in communalism community hindu mandir masjid muslim religion sikh temple


Story about religion and beliefs, Read here