The Lost Lake I

How the needs of the Relationships lead to Betrayal and domestic violence influencing the innocent mind of children, forcing them to believe and yearn for love from the outside world and fall for the wrong things such as Drugs


Karl is married to Marla for 12 years now.He somehow ignores her, taking her for granted. Marla feels alone and gets involved in a romantic affair with Siwan, soon after the birth of Dave. Karl gets infuriated and starts tormenting Marla.He disregards Dave as his son. A victim of the complex relationships Dave leaves home at the age of 10 clueless about the world he has to face! His little hope is her sister Rebo who is well attuned with his Brother.

Chapter 1

Rebo heard his brother Dave sobbing in the corner. What would it be like for a little 7-year-old to see his brother shedding tears to the bruises given by her own dad?

A loud voice startled Rebo

“Marla, You sick, get this done or I will beat you up like Dave” slamming the door.

It was the voice of dad. Little Rebo covered her ears with her small hands and shrank her eyes wearing the white filthy frock.

Dave sobs continued, she went to him, putting her little hands over the bruises staring at the blood dripping from the cuts. Dave kept crying looking out of the window while he saw his dad leave in the car.

“Are you alright?”, a fragile voice echoed in the room filled with innocence. Rebo walked towards Dave.

Wiping the tears Rebo sat beside Dave and stared at him. Dave hugged his little sister in the white beautifully furnished and painted house, wishing it to become Home one day.

The house was filled with loud howls of Marla, repenting each and every moment spent with Siwan. Affairs started soon after the birth of Dave. Marla met Siwan and started loving him. Siwan was the beautiful escape for Marla who was no more paid attention to by Karl.

Karl one day returned home and saw Siwan leaving his house. He took no time to beat Dave that night and threw Marla out of his room. Things have never been the same for Dave since then.

Marla came into the room and saw both her little kids sobbing in the corner. She came and hugged them closely, Sobs turned into loud violent cries of hurt, pain and shattered hopes.

Dave left the House that night.

                                                                                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED..

Next Chapter here on 4thNov same time, same place. Read exclusively on

The Lost Lake II

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

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