The Black Caps take on the Men in Blue

India Lost by 47 runs. It Hurts. India winning a Cricket match is a matter of so much happiness, People Love cricket, Celebrate cricket.
This is one religion connecting India more than Nokia ever did. *LOL*
Cricket fever is On. India, where cricket is celebrated like a Festival.

People are glued to television sets, Dominos commercials are making full advantage of this fever and their happy hours have no end!

So ICC World Cup Twenty20 has begun and few hours before the first match between New Zealand and India was live. I could feel the excitement the heartbeats and thump of tables, loud hooting and incessant clappings.

No matter How many matches India plays, World cup and especially 20-20 has an exotic effect on everyone. And every soul prays for India winning!  *PlzGod*

Being a hosteller I never experienced such madness. Girls sitting on tables, hooting like Crazies, Boys screaming out loud. Definitely, this Lost match has ruined the mood. *Oh No*

I still remember my Grandfather’s Love for cricket. He used to love it more than he loved me though he loved me the most of all his grandchildren. *giggles*

He was the best Grandpa of all the times, he gave me more attention than his grandsons. *Collar Up*

I had a 5-minute phone call with him many years back. He used to talk about how was I, how were my studies going. That day he talked about cricket between India and Australia. *Great Deal*

I never knew this was his last call I would ever be attending. *grief*

He passed away after the next day of this small conversation, he died young. Young at heart, with same excitement for cricket as youth today.
Though I can assure my generation and gen-next will never get tired watching cricket until the end of it! *madness*

Whenever I am reminded of some last moments with my grandpa, I lovingly Remember him along with his cricket love.

I have spent some of my cherishable childhood moments to my sudden surprise not watching cartoons but cricket with my grandpa,

What is your Favourite Cricket moment and with whom? I know you have one 😉

People make friends, Hug each other after winning each match, and Even abuse Raina for getting run out. *laugh*

Cricket has generated sentiments among Indians no game ever could. Nevertheless, Chak de India song was the one most played when India won it’s ever first world cup twenty20 in 2007.

Cricket! Game connecting India Since 1947 and Even before.
We Love Cricket like no one else in the World.
Indiaaaa! India! Indiaaaa! India!
No matter India wins or Lose. It brings out the true patriotism of every soul and heart in our Country.
Thanks to cricket and cricket gods for Making India united.
I love cricket very much! *ROFL*

Author: Onesha

She is the funny one! Has flair for drama, loves to write when happy! You might hate her first story, but maybe you’ll like the next. She is the master of words, but believes actions speak louder than words. 1sha Rastogi, founder of

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