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Continue Reading The Day I Met You
Posted in erotica

The Day I Met You

I see him and his ruffled hair, his shirt is unbuttoned, I look at him salaciously right from his melancholic eyes, to his lips and down to his neck around his collar, unbuttoned shirt, and right down the third button where I can’t see any skin. He is immersed in the taste of my wine looking at the picture hung on the wall.

Continue Reading When I lost my Virginity!
Posted in 1 min read DualMeaning Unconventional

When I lost my Virginity!

YES! This was my First time, I was really very nervous, I turned almost red when I saw him and we began our conversation, He was all Clean, Polite, Genuine and good smelling.

Continue Reading Again
Posted in erotica


Can we fall in love again, I think about last night when I moved my hand over my lips, imagining being kissed by you. My fingers glide down my neck, over my collarbones, and to my breasts. I wonder how it would feel to have your hands hold me, to feel your lips on mine, on my ears, neck, and breasts, to have you breathing on me, kissing me, and pull me closer.

Continue Reading Kindness
Posted in Uncategorized


I look towards the bed lit up early morning sunshine, and my 1.5-year-old kid is laughing heartily, eyes are closed, and newly popped up little from teeth showing. I wonder what he sees in dreams, his facial expressions so real, and just as I pull out the camera to capture this moment, his laugh fades.

Continue Reading Coffee & Cupcakes
Posted in coffee Friendship Love

Coffee & Cupcakes

The warm music inside is making the evening lovelier and as the sun is about to set the captivating hues and tints of rainbow colors are spread across the sky, people are coming in and going, chit-chatter grows and we leave the cafe to take a stroll in the garden, I see the shimmering lights and the light colored atmosphere blue sky, I see people so happy around me, I walk with Rohan, and it seems like our talks are neverending, our laughter, giggles and delightful evening, I wish it to never end, and I want to do so much, but at that instant that was enough.

Continue Reading Reminiscence
Posted in Love


If someone asked me what would be one thing that I would do If I could go back in time, I would always go back to you and live all those years again with you

Posted in Sad

Second Child

Why won’t I have a second child?

Continue Reading Dream Catcher
Posted in Letter Love

Dream Catcher

A love letter after a very long time. Celebrating the month I found you.

Continue Reading Aroused
Posted in erotica


I look at you, you come near me and you implant a kiss over my cheek. I am sleepy, and the curtains are still drawn, the room is hazy but I see your beautiful face, full of the glory of last night.

Continue Reading 365 Days
Posted in Love

365 Days

Promise of love and togetherness, to share our lives until the last breath, to remember your fragrance for lifetimes ahead, always and forever. I love you.

Continue Reading Hysteria
Posted in Letter Love Sad


Just a reminder, I love you so much.

Continue Reading Second Innings
Posted in Letter Love

Second Innings

A month before your special day, there is something I need to say.